Hello World
In the summer of 2021 I managed to obtain the perfect domain name. When you include the TLD, it spells out my first name perfectly.
Filled with excitement, I told my coworkers at the office about my new purchase.
That’s pretty nice. What are you going to do with it?
I was somewhat caught off guard. I hadn’t really thought about that yet - this was more of an impulse purchase. Maybe I could host my own email? Or a tech blog.. Countless options! However, with me being a busy and mostly lazy student at the time, these ideas were never pursued.
I had forgotten all about it until recently, when I wrote a blog article at my internship announcing this playground I built as part of my graduation project. That reminded me to finally set up this blog you’re reading.
In recent years I’ve become intrigued with learning more about compilers, lexers, codegen and static analysis. Expect to see posts centered around those topics, as well as about regular .NET development.
Let’s just hope I don’t take as long to write the next post.
Stay tuned!